I have used Derwent graphite pencils for 30 years. The deep black in this piece "At the At the Beaulieu-sur-Mer Yard" is drawn with a 2B.
The boat was drawn with a 3, 4 and 5H.
This drawing is of a massive banyan tree near my studio in Australia, where I had an artist in residence in 2012.
"Gordon's Bay Boats" in between coats of gouache (opaque water color).
"Home Cove", oil on panel about 1/2 way through...layering one glaze at a time over the water gives it the shine it needs.
Josephine's painting ready to be shipped out for her 97th birthday!
Finishing up a drawing called "La Turbie," started in the south of France where I worked for a month in 2013.
"Out of Steam", oil on panel, a few days before it was done.
The Italian plum series at the framers before an exhibit.
The Italian plum series after they were varnished.
Oil on panel of flowers from the Royal Botanical Gardens in the Blue Mountains, outside of Sydney, AU.
Now they are done! Gearing up for a spring flower show in 2015.
Here is a large piece I started of the Sea Shepards while they were in Melbourne, Australia in 2013.
Taking a break while working on "Shaw's Shire" oil on canvas, 48" x 36" - fall 2014.
The start of the pig series....
... in progress oil on panel 12" x 12"
Big canvas work while they waited to be varnished, then off to the framers for a 2014 fall exhibit!
Spring flower series in progress